A new Fox News commissioned poll this week shows us what was already pretty obvious— average people are getting financially skewered another year thanks to the Biden Administration.
The poll was conducted by Beacon Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R) who surveyed 1,006 voters throughout the country between February 19-22 of 2023. The margin of sample error for this poll is +/- 3%.
According to the report discussing the poll, roughly “60 percent of registered U.S. voters say they have “less money in their pocket than they did a year ago.”
Fifty-seven percent of the respondents also said they have less money to spend now compared to this time in 2022. For comparison, in 2018 the number of respondents who gave the same answer was only 28%.
She’s lying and even our biased press knows she is. More Americans have less money in their pockets under Biden and Harris. https://t.co/8Do1czjKW8
— JamieRJN (@JamieRJN) February 23, 2023
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The Squeeze is Real
Of those feeling the most of a financial pinch according to the results include “Republican women (78% less money now), rural Whites (69%), Gen Xers (63%), and voters with annual income below $50,000 (62%).”
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Twelve percent of the respondents stated that because of inflation and higher cost of goods, they are having to spend more money, while 31% say things are basically the same financially compared to last year.
When it comes to pointing the finger at the root cause for their financial hardships, an overwhelming 62% made it clear that they disapprove of President Biden’s handling of the economy, and 66% don’t approve of how he has attempted to get inflation under control.
When it comes to the health of the economy as a hole, nearly 80% stated that the current state of things are in “fair or poor” condition. Sadly, this is basically the same as reported when the same question was asked last year.
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What Else is There to Worry About?
The economic and financial footing of our country remains the top issue among likely voters, with a solid 36% reporting that repairing the economy is the top priority among voters of all political affiliations.
According to the report, “While that 36% is down from 42% in December, it still far outdistances the next highest priorities of immigration/border security (13%), climate (10%), and guns (9%).”
What issues matter to you? Do you agree or disagree with the view of those who took part in this poll? Let us know in the comments below and across social media.
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