Conservative social media star Benny Johnson shared a clip on Wednesday that showed a few examples of Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley heaping praise on Hillary Clinton.
The latter being, if not the right’s Enemy Number One, then at least Number Two.
“Haley fawns over Hillary after attending a Clinton speech then proudly declares Hillary ‘INSPIRED’ her career,” Johnson cited, adding that the footage was, “100% Real.”
“Haley is Hillary 2.0,” he said.
Take a watch:
🚨BREAKING: Unearthed footage of Nikki Haley GUSHING OVER Hillary Clinton.
Haley fawns over Hillary after attending a Clinton speech then proudly declares Hillary “INSPIRED” her career.
100% Real.
Haley is Hillary
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) November 15, 2023
While the clips were real, Johnson did not provide a larger context as to why the Republican White House contender might have heaped so much praise on the former Democratic presidential candidate.
This is not the first time someone had fun with these clips. In late September, Donald Trump’s campaign did the same after the second GOP presidential primary debate.
The Hill reported:
The Trump campaign lashed out at GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley after she performed well in the second primary debate Wednesday night.
The campaign cited a 2012 interview where Haley, then governor of South Carolina, said then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was an “inspiration” to her political career.
“The reason I actually ran for office is because of Hillary Clinton,” she told The New York Times in an interview. Haley was referencing a speech the former first lady gave where she advocated for more women in politics.
The former president’s campaign sent an email in which is listed several quotes from Haley. Among them was one at the top of the email that read, “Hillary Clinton Is an Inspiration to Nikki Haley,” quoting the Times article.
Trump campaign targets Haley after debate: “Hillary Clinton Is an Inspiration to Nikki Haley”
— The Hill (@thehill) September 28, 2023
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“Trump’s team didn’t provide commentary or context on Haley’s decade-old remark, potentially an attempt to ding the rising candidate by associating her with Clinton — who is still reviled in the Republican Party,” The Hill reported.
Haley Originally Said She Would Not Run Against Trump
In April 2021, Haley, who served as President Trump’s Ambassador to the United Nations, said she would not enter the 2024 presidential race if Trump decided to run.
But then she did – after Trump decided to run.
“I would not run if President Trump ran, and I would talk to him about it,” Haley said at the time. “That’s something that we will have a conversation about at some point, if that decision is something that has to be made.”
Vivek Ramaswamy called Nikki Haley “Dick Cheney in three-inch heels” during tonight’s debate.
She fired back saying they’re actually five inches and are “for ammunition.”
More key moments from the third GOP debate:
— POLITICO (@politico) November 9, 2023
Haley Has Been Compared to Other Controversial Political Figures
Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy said to Haley in a debate earlier this month, citing her hawkishness and past work with military contractors “She becomes a military contractor. She joins the board of Boeing … and is now a multimillionaire.”
“I think that that’s wrong when Republicans do it or Democrats do it,” he added.
“Do you want a leader from a different generation who’s going to put this country first, or do you want Dick Cheney in three-inch heels?” Ramaswamy said.
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